Friday, May 20, 2011

I needed a self portrait for my website, mainly because I don't really like photos that other people take of me. I also wanted to try my hand at digital black and white. In this case it worked out really well. I planned the lighting with black and white and I'm quite pleased with the result even though my shirt and hair look like shit. Here's a picture of the lighting setup, I used almost every piece of gear I own (and all the tricks I'm learning by working movie sets) to get the look right. That a reflector in the bottom right corner, a snoot for the 285 made out of cine-foil for the hard light on my neck/cheek, a Lowell ID Light for the pings in my eyes, and 2 photoflex brollys for the key. Camera is the 5DII with Ziess 50/1.4 with a B+W .9 ND.

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