Saturday, May 28, 2011

Did a little bit of street photography while shopping in Santa Monica. Manual focus lens with a .9 ND in front of it so I could shoot wide open. Nailing the focus is a bitch but I love the shallow depth of field it gives you. It's not a look that you generally associate with daylight outdoor photos.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Shots go off down the block and the police chopper starts circling. Still have to go get more beer at the liquor store. Some mook's been wasted in front of the burger joint on Sunset. "You seen anything?" "Nope. Just heard shots." Welcome to LA.

Friday, May 20, 2011

I needed a self portrait for my website, mainly because I don't really like photos that other people take of me. I also wanted to try my hand at digital black and white. In this case it worked out really well. I planned the lighting with black and white and I'm quite pleased with the result even though my shirt and hair look like shit. Here's a picture of the lighting setup, I used almost every piece of gear I own (and all the tricks I'm learning by working movie sets) to get the look right. That a reflector in the bottom right corner, a snoot for the 285 made out of cine-foil for the hard light on my neck/cheek, a Lowell ID Light for the pings in my eyes, and 2 photoflex brollys for the key. Camera is the 5DII with Ziess 50/1.4 with a B+W .9 ND.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Check out this piece I worked on... pretty cool little article, 10 things you didn't know about pressing vinyl.

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Lighthouse point, Santa Cruz. This was supposed to be an experiment in HDR photography combined with some longer exposures. But I just can't get on board with HDR because you lose my favorite thing about photography, which is that accidental moment. The 1/4 second exposure really made that bottom turn look cool. I'm not gonna ruin it to get the shadow side of that rock in the water out of the blacks.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Downtown LA from Echo Park and Bellevue
Matt at the Mole Stage
Double J
JL10 Dolly with a 23 jib, hotgears and an Arri. Got to operate this, both the jib arm and the wheels. Stoked.
Christina and a really neat light. K5600 Joker bare-bulb in a black dome with an 18in Fresnel front.
Started working at the Mole stage and went to the JL Fisher/ASC/SOC/Local 600 open house over the weekend. Not a bad couple of days.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

I went around my neighborhood today taking some photographs of the streets/street art. There's a JR in the first shot, which is at the end of my street, and what I think is a Banksy in the last shot, which was taken in Silverlake. It reads "art saves lives" and looks like it was commissioned by the owners of the hipster furniture store that it's on.

Monday, May 09, 2011

This photo is too good to not make a desktop out of. I still am amazed by the clouds over the desert.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

These is the view from my back yard. I thought it might make a nice desktop. Here's a link:

This is my new room in LA. Hopefully I'll get a real bed soon. I shot this on the night that I moved in. I think I'm gonna try to do more architectural stuff with the house I'm living in, as well as shoot the neighborhood around it. This is a good start though. 4 flashes were used to light this, can you guess where they are?