Pets, low light, and Zeiss glass. This is pretty much all I have the energy to photograph when I get home from work.
I know it's not my usual style, but I'm trying some new things. It's an old hassy lens (150 cf t*) so it's maxed out at f/4. It's a more pictorial style then I like but I think it still captures the moment and the soul of that punk-ass Charlie.
But see? It can take sharp pictures. I wish the focus was a little less stiff (and the adapter wasn't as wobbly) so I could use it for video work easily. This is Buster climbing all over Dakin.
And this is Locksly. He's a dog. Went back to the ZE 50/1.4 for this one. ISO 3200, 1/50th of a second. It was so dark, I can't believe I got one that was both well composed and sharp.